Scoring Summary


1stSuárez singled to right, Peraza scored, Votto to third.10
1stGennett singled to left center, Votto scored, Suárez to second.20
2ndGomber doubled to deep center, Bader and Muñoz scored.22
2ndCarpenter homered to right (365 feet), Gomber scored.24
3rdDeJong homered to left (371 feet), J. Martínez and Adams scored.27
8thSchebler homered to right (431 feet), Gennett scored.47
8thPeraza hit sacrifice fly to center, Barnhart scored, Williams to third.57
8thWisdom homered to right (358 feet).58
8thDeJong singled to right, Molina and J. Martínez scored, O'Neill to third.510
8thMuñoz singled to center, O'Neill and DeJong scored, Bader to third.512
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