Round-by-round blow-by-blow of Saturday night's Oscar De La Hoya-Shane Mosley fight with unofficial scoring (De La Hoya 117-111) by's Jason Probst:
De La Hoya misses two jabs, and Mosley circles to his left. Oscar steps in with
good jab to the body. They are circling one another looking for openings.
Good triple jab from Oscar though none land. Double jab from Oscar,
then a good 1-2 that glances off Shane's head. Oscar throws a pair of
double jabs and seems to be trying to fight more like Vernon Forrest than
his old style. Nice jab and right to body by Shane, and Oscar lands a right
cross clean in return. Tight action thus far. Mosley nails Oscar with a big
hook as Oscar comes in and briefly wobbles him. Oscar fires a big hook that
partially lands and elicits cheers from the crowd. Mosley tries the jab
right to the body combo again and lands a good body shot. They're both being
cautious and boxing tightly.
Oscar's round 10-9.
They trade hooks to open the round, both landing. There's a clinch and both
men maul shots inside to little effect. Mosley tries the jab-body combo and
Oscar blocks it partially. A good double jab from Oscar moves Shane back.
Oscar misses a right lead. They're posing and trying to find openings,
leading with stiff jabs. Nice 1-2 from Oscar to the body. Double jab
from Oscar once more, and it's effective in backing Mosley up enough to
prevent him from countering. They're exclusively in the center of the ring.
Nice right to body from Oscar, and he misses a three-punch combination as
Mosley counters with a right.
Oscar's round 10-9.
Big hook from Oscar to open the round. Shane is stalking and seems to look a
little confused as to how to attack Oscar. Low left by Mosley gets a warning
from Joe Cortez. Nice counter hook by Shane drives Oscar back, and Oscar
fires a solid left back as payback. It's heating up. Good jab from Oscar.
He's moving after throwing and Mosley is unable to counter as he did in the
first fight. Very little action now, as they circle one another, each moving
to his left. Mosley is juking and feinting trying to let something go but
he's having to reach and isn't landing when he does let go to the head.
Mosley lands a good right to the body and Oscar moves away. Double jab from
Oscar. Mosley clubs Oscar with a good body shot at round's end.
Oscar's round 10-9.
Triple jab from Mosley is countered by right from De La Hoya. Big right to
body from Shane, and Oscar counters with hard left hook. There's a head butt
that draws a stoppage from Cortez; it's ruled accidental, and Oscar is
bleeding from his right eye. De La Hoya is moving again and trying to
set up his power shots behind the jab. Good body shot from Mosley but Oscar
comes back with a hook to Shane's midsection. Shane ducks under a combo from
Oscar and Oscar fires a solid 1-2 that lands. They trade in close and
Oscar lands a pair of vicious hooks. Mosley digs back to Oscar's ribs. De
La Hoya slips a leaping hook from Shane and counters with a jab. Oscar
misses a 1-2 but Mosley ducks under and does not counter. Oscar blocks a
hook from Shane. Shane is not landing many punches and Oscar is doing just a
little more to take another round.
Oscar's round 10-9
Borderline left to body from Oscar to open the round. Good right from Oscar,
and Mosley counters with a hard shot as they trade heavy bombs. Mosley misses
a 1-2 and Oscar pushes him away. Nice right to body from Shane. Oscar
leads with the hook and Shane blocks it. Not much action this round as Oscar
is boxing and refuses to trade. Nice hook from Shane. De La Hoya is not
jabbing as much but seems to be leading with power shots more often. Nice
1-2 to the ribs from Oscar and Mosley slams a hook to Oscar's head.
Oscar seems to be willing to trade. The 10-second warning! They are trading
hard blows.
Mosley's round 10-9.
Mosley fires a big hook cross that Oscar partially blocks but it's his best
offensive attempt so far. Big hook to body from Oscar. Oscar is letting Shane
come forward and making him solve the distance between them. Mosley is
juking, feinting and trying to bait Oscar into something but Oscar won't
bite; instead he smacks a left hook home to the midsection that lands with a
resounding thump. Cortez breaks the action to re-tape Oscar's glove. Nice
hook once more to body by Oscar, who double jabs and then lands a right hand
counter at round's end.
Oscar's round 10-9.
They trade jabs, but Oscar moves away refusing to exchange. Big hook from
Oscar. Mosley misses an overhand right and Oscar ducks under another cross.
They tie up on the ropes and Oscar moves to the center of the ring and
resumes boxing. Oscar ties Shane up twice to smother attacks. Mosley is not
getting off, and Oscar seems to be taking over the fight when they are at
long range. Nice combination from Shane, and Oscar fires back. It's the best
exchange of the round. Sharp right lead from Oscar and he fires a combo that
misses but Shane is too busy slipping punches to fire back.
Oscar's round 10-9.
Nice overhand right from Shane but Oscar doesn't budge. Mosley seems
confused before the round as Jack Mosley tells him to stay on his toes, and
that he's losing the fight. Cortez warns Mosley for roughhousing. They trade
jabs that miss. Mosley lands a right to the body and Oscar fires a crisp
cross in return a moment later. Mosley seems more aggressive now and willing
to take chances. Perhaps he feels the fight slipping away from him. Shane
lands a stiff jab and Oscar fires a right back.
Oscar's round 10-9.
Big hook from Oscar countering a missed hook from Shane. Mosley lands a good
shot and Oscar lands a big hook in return. Five good body shots from Oscar,
and Mosley lands a good hook. Oscar is nailed with a big right hand and may
have been hurt. Mosley hits him with another right to the body. Oscar seems
a little dazed. Another hook from Mosley. Huge hook from Mosley and Oscar
lands a monster hook to the body at the same time. It's the best round so
far! Shane misses a sweeping left hook. Good double right from Shane to the
body and head, and Oscar is slowing down a little. They trade savage body
shots at the end of the round. Mosley's best round so far.
Mosley's round 10-9.
They trade hooks, Mosley to the body and Oscar to the head, both landing
hard. Neither man moves back, though, or seems rocked. Big hook from Shane,
and Oscar moves back. Big right to body from Shane, and Oscar misses a left
in return. Big hook from Oscar after Mosley lands another right to the body.
Mosley is moving now and looks like his old self. Shane blocks a big hook
and fires back, but Oscar nails him hard with his best combo in the last
couple rounds.
Oscar's round 10-9.
Good right from Shane and Oscar is tentative. Mosley lands another hard
right that glances off Oscar as De La Hoya ducks in. Shane seems to have
just a little more energy and snap in his punches at this point. They clinch
twice with little action in close. Very little action until Mosley lands a
monster hook, and Oscar fires back with a vicious 1-2! Shane bulls him
into the ropes with a minute left. Shane comes forward with fast hands but
can't land. Mosley's mouthpiece comes flying out after a huge left uppercut.
Twenty seconds left in the round. Mosley fires a big 1-2 that Oscar
slips, but the brawl is on.
Oscar's round 10-9.
It's the final round! Mosley opens up with a 1-2 that just misses and
Oscar fires a flurry back that backs him up. They aren't landing flush but
they back Shane up. Mosley lands a good right, and then another massive
right that backs Oscar up. Oscar seems hurt. Mosley has a chance here to
pull it out. Shane lands a pair of big body shots and Mosley comes forward, desperate to close the show. Big right from Oscar and a solid left. Mosley comes forward, unfazed. A minute to go. Mosley bangs Oscar with a pair of body shots as they clinch. Oscar fires of a triple jab and Mosley doesn't counter, dipping to the side. They trade hard rights. A good 1-2 from Oscar. Twenty seconds left. They flurry and both miss and
the final bell rings, both men giving an embrace at the conclusion of the bout.
Mosley's round 10-9.