Dan Patrick Show
Chris Mortensen's latest news on coaching vacancies around the league.
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Bills eye Super assistants for coaching vacancy

Buffalo Bills president and general manager Tom Donahoe has both Super Bowl defensive coordinators, John Fox of the Giants and Marvin Lewis of the Ravens, atop his list as head coach candidates -- but he'll have to be patient as league rules will not allow direct contact with either assistant until after the game.

Both coaches worked in Pittsburgh when Donahoe was there -- Fox under Chuck Noll and Lewis under Bill Cowher.

Lewis is also a candidate for head coach jobs in Detroit and Cleveland. Fox is also candidate with the New York Jets, but it appears new general manager Terry Bradway is not willing to wait two more weeks to hire a coach.

The Jets' leading candidates are Herm Edwards (Bucs), Dom Capers (Jaguars) and Maurice Carthon (Jets).



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