
Severe ban handed out to fighting cricketers in Christchurch

Greg Stewart, a High School Old Boys' player who took part in an incident in a second grade club match against Sydenham on October 25 that attracted world-wide headlines, has been banned for the remainder of the season after a code of conduct hearing in Christchurch. He was banned for 18 playing days, which takes the season through to its March 31 completion.

Two other participants, another HSOB player William Catherwood and Sydenham's Leo Georgiadis also received hefty bans: Catherwood for 14 playing days, and Georgiadis for 16.

In the incident Stewart head-butted Georgiadis, who then grabbed his bat and hit him with it. Catherwood ran from the clubrooms and struck Georgiadis.

Richard Reid, the Canterbury Cricket Association chief executive, who brought the charges against the players, said: "The commissioners' ruling reflects the seriousness of the incident and confirms the CCA's point of view that there is no place for actions such as these on a cricket field."