Scoring Summary


1stMolina singled to left center, Edman scored and Goldschmidt scored, DeJong to third.20
2ndFowler singled to center, Bader scored.30
2ndOzuna doubled to right, Fowler scored, Goldschmidt scored and Edman scored.60
2ndBader hit a ground rule double to deep left, Ozuna scored and DeJong scored, Molina to third.80
2ndSpangenberg reached on infield single to shortstop, Thames scored.81
4thMolina homered to left (386 feet).91
4thCain doubled to deep right, Spangenberg scored.92
6thDeJong homered to center (429 feet), Ozuna scored.112
8thDeJong hit sacrifice fly to center, Edman scored.122
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