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Tuesday, July 17
Stoudemire's eligibility may be compromised

The mother of Amare Stoudemire, a 6-foot-10 center considered by many to be the No. 1 player in the Class of 2002, said Nike consultant George Raveling sent her money and gifts in the past year.

Carrie Stoudemire, speaking Monday night during an HBO's Real Sports segment on her son, said Raveling "helped me a little bit" with cash payments, that if true, could now jeopardize both Stoudemire's NCAA and high school eligibility. Amare Stoudemire, who has verbally committed to the University of Memphis, will be a senior at Orlando's Cypress Creek High School.

"I like George," Carrie Stoudemire told Real Sports. "He sent me a little money to survive. He said he did it out of the kindness of his heart."

Last week, Amare Stoudemire switched from the adidas ABCD Camp to the rival Nike All-America Camp, which Raveling serves as executive director. Raveling has not commented on the payments and is in Europe, according to Nike. The company had no comment on the report.

Stoudemire, who has attended six high schools, says there is a 50-50 chance he will skip college for the NBA draft next spring.
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audio's Andy Katz examines the controversy surrounding prize recruit Amare Stoudemire.
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 ESPN's Dick Vitale weighs in on the Amare Stoudemire situation.
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