Inside the Playbook
Weekly lineup

 Thursday, September 23
Terrell Davis' I right F-motion 26 cutback
By Sean Salisbury


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About the play: The Broncos have made this play famous with Terrell Davis. He has great vision and knows just when to cut back. Davis might gain one-third of his yards on this play.

Davis will take the toss and try to stretch the play to the tight-end side. This allows the play to develop, so he can see which defender has been too aggressive and overrun the hole. At that time, Davis will cut back and find daylight.

When to expect the play: The Broncos will have this play in for any and every defense. They really love it against defenses that are fast and overpursue the outside run.

Keys to the play: The left tackle must get up to the weak-side linebacker, so he can get the 'backer out of Davis' vision. All long runs happen because of great blocking by receivers, and Rod Smith and Ed McCaffrey are two of the best. The offensive line cannot allow quick penetration or the play has no chance.

Defensive keys: The defense must do two things to stop the play: 1.) create a new line of scrimmage and penetrate into Denver's backfield, and 2.) the backside end and weak-side linebacker must stay in their lanes and not overpursue.


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