- NFL/TRAININGCAMP00 - Doug's diary: Every game counts

Weekly lineup

 Friday, July 28
Every game counts
 By Doug Brien
Special to

Editor's note: What is life in an NFL training camp like? Kicker Doug Brien takes you inside the camp of the New Orleans Saints with his weekday diary for

Friday, July 28
THIBODAUX, La. -- Today we have a short walk-through in the morning before we leave for the airport and New York. The composition of the walk-through is indicative of coach Jim Haslett's attention to detail. We will cover many different situations and work through the appropriate substitutions so that everyone knows where they should be on Saturday night.

Doug Brien

For example, we will go from punt return (right before the half) to kickoff coverage for a free kick. If a punt results in a fair catch, the returning team can kick a free kick from the spot of the catch. On a free kick, our kickoff coverage team, Toby Gowin, and myself go on the field. Toby will hold the ball on the ground and I will back up and kick it like a field goal. The coverage team will cover the ball in case it comes up short and the returning team returns the ball (these kicks are usually from long range). Obviously, this is a very rare play, but we will do it in the walk-through in case it ever comes up in a game; our coaching staff wants us to be prepared.

Typically with preseason games, the coaching staff refers to the game as preparation for the opener. They want to see improvement in the team's play, but are not necessarily concerned about the final results. This year is different. Coach Haslett talks about winning this game. I think he realizes the importance of getting us in the habit of winning. And the habit needs to begin being formed this weekend.

After the game we will head straight home, arriving into New Orleans at about 4 a.m. on Sunday morning. Players who have homes and families in New Orleans can stay there. We don't have to report back until 9 a.m. Monday morning. My teammates and I are looking forward to this break. We haven't seen our families since last weekend. Even though going a week without seeing family is tough, it's a lot better than last year when we were in Wisconsin; we didn't get to see them for an entire month.

Have a nice weekend.

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New Orleans Saints