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Tuesday, June 6
Rocker's expected to report later this week

TOLEDO, Ohio -- Fans probably won't be able to get face-to-face with John Rocker when he arrives in the minor leagues.
John Rocker

Rocker's first stop in the minors likely will be in Toledo if he reports to Triple-A Richmond on time. Toledo Mud Hens officials already are planning to increase security around the clubhouse and bullpen when or if he arrives.

The Atlanta Braves demoted their top reliever Monday, one day after he threatened the Sports Illustrated reporter who wrote the story about Rocker's offensive views on foreigners, gays and minorities.

Rocker was fined after the confrontation, but Braves manager Bobby Cox said Rocker was sent down because he's had trouble throwing strikes. Rocker has 25 walks in 18 1/3 innings.

Rocker was given three days to report to the minors, meaning he probably will be in Toledo on Wednesday or Thursday. He told the Braves he would have to talk to his agent before reporting to the minors.

Visiting players at Toledo's Skeldon Stadium normally must walk from the clubhouse and through the crowd in order to reach the field.

Rocker, however, won't be brought past the fans, said Mud Hens general manager Joe Napoli.

"There are ways to get him on the field other than walking from the locker room and through the crowd," Napoli said. "We do it so that the fans can't anticipate where he's entering from."

Extra off-duty police officers also will be brought in for the three-game series, which starts Wednesday.

"We want to provide the safest environment for not only John Rocker but also our fans," Napoli said.

Napoli said fans began calling about tickets within hours of Rocker's demotion.