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Wednesday, June 14
Trade Sammy? Say it ain't Sosa

CHICAGO -- As impressive as one of his 500-foot homers, the Sammy Sosa trade rumors have brought a new buzz to Wrigley Field at a time when the Chicago Cubs are in the midst of their usual midseason vanishing act.

Trade Sammy? Say it ain't Sosa.

A media horde has been following Sosa since trade talk intensified and the possibility of a deal involving the Cubs' marquee player is the talk of the town. A midweek game against the New York Mets seemed in many ways a sideshow to the big news developing.

For many fans at Wrigley on Wednesday, the once-unthinkable now seemed almost inevitable.

"Sosa souvenirs! Get 'em while they're hot!" barked vendor Alex Powlak, hawking caps, pennants and miniature bats at a stand outside the ballpark. "They may not be hot for long!"

About 800 people sent e-mails to the Cubs' Web site last weekend when trade talk burst into full bloom -- most in favor of keeping Sammy, a spokeswoman said.

Coming after Michael Jordan's retirement and departure to Washington to run the Wizards, for many this is just too much.

"Trade him? No way," said Joel Buege, 31, an information technology specialist who was sipping a pregame beer at Murphy's bar beyond center field.

"I don't care if he's batting .002 -- he brings people into the ballpark, into the city. He's good for tourism. I come out to see a winning team but I also want to see Sammy hit a homer."

Kids, souvenir salesmen and fly-ball catchers all agree.

"I'm going to miss him out here, I'll tell you that," said Marvin Irizarry, 33, standing outside Wrigley with glove ready as he does before most games. "He's still doing well, and he brings genuine excitement to the games."

Moments later, he snagged a batting-practice homer off the bat of Sosa -- or another unseen slugger's bat -- with a diving catch on a Waveland Avenue sidewalk, near a Dominican flag hung in tribute to Sosa.

Nine-year-old Andy Quinn didn't hesitate when asked what he'd think if he heard the Cubs had traded Sosa. "I wouldn't believe it," the youngster said. "They've got to keep him."

"I'd keep him," echoed Tom Mitchell, 42, a visiting salesman from Detroit. "He seems a Chicago tradition."

"He's the second-best hitter there is," said 7-year-old Terrell Newmann, who wore a Sosa No. 21 shirt but secretly prefers Ken Griffey Jr.

Still, fans said they are curious to see whom Cubs management could land in exchange for Sosa, whose allure, while still great, has faded lately due to his many strikeouts. Might the perennial losers, owners of baseball's sixth-worst record, actually improve by dealing their superstar?

From the makeshift seats on a Waveland Avenue rooftop across the street from the left-field bleachers, the view of the Cubs' future is perfectly clear for Leslie Levin: Trade Sammy.

"He's a great player but he's getting old," the concession sales worker, 22, said of the 31-year-old Sosa. "Let's trade him while we can get good prospects for him. We'll be bad for another few years, then better."

In the clubhouse, Cub players are annoyed with the swarm of reporters dogging the Sosa issue and some have been quoted anonymously as saying Sammy's soap opera is wearing on them. But the happy-go-lucky Sosa, while continuing to sidestep trade issues, appeared relaxed Wednesday as he bantered with teammates while the boom-box at his locker belted out pop hits.

Manager Don Baylor, who clearly would like the Sosa hoopla to go away, said Wednesday he wouldn't comment on a possible trade "until we have something concrete."

Cubs fans appear increasingly sure that time is not far off.

Red Sox reportedly get serious about Sosa sweepstakes

Sosa watch: Torre, Steinbrenner discuss slugger

Stark: Sosa's days with Cubs numbered

Bronx bombshell: Yankees, Cubs talking Sosa trade

 Sammy Sosa has no idea what's in store for him.
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 Mike Piazza and the Mets are ready to welcome Sammy to New York.
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