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Wednesday, November 8, 2000
Repeat after us: Devils face tough task

It's never easy to repeat as champions in any sport. There are so many variables, and a little luck is needed as well.

Just a few months after winning the Stanley Cup, the New Jersey Devils already face some major challenges -- namely the holdouts of Jason Arnott and Scott Niedermayer. We asked ESPN's NHL experts if the Devils can hoist the Cup again in 2001.

Barry Melrose
The Devils certainly have a great chance to repeat. We saw what a great team they were last year, and they have just about everybody back -- or they will soon enough. They have depth, talent, size, experience and great goaltending. If the Devils get everything together, they are likely to repeat.

There isn't a team in the Eastern Conference that has improved enough to overtake New Jersey, except for maybe Toronto. Right now, I'd say the Devils are the odds-on favorite to come out of the East.

Darren Pang
No. The percentage of teams repeating in this day and age is very low. It's so tricky to peak at the right time and stay healthy at the right time. A lot needs to fall in place for a team to get its game together and be a well-oiled machine like the Devils were when they won last season. There is the general difficulty of trying to stage a repeat, and the Devils have a specific problem: Two of their restricted free agents, Jason Arnott and Scott Niedermayer, are still uncertain. And Niedermayer is unhappy.

A repeat is unlikely.

Bill Clement
The Devils can repeat, but I don't believe they will.

It's just too difficult to repeat. A lot of things came together at the right time last season, including Larry Robinson replacing Robbie Ftorek as head coach. The Devils will be strong enough to win the title again. But they won't have Claude Lemieux. He is a key player who was magnificent in the Stanley Cup finals. Not signing him creates a big, unique hole that nobody can fill but him.

Brian Engblom
No. I think the odds are against them, especially with 30 teams in the league now. It's just so tough to repeat.

There are so many teams at basically the same level as New Jersey. The Devils would need a lot of things to go well for them, including avoiding major injuries and having the drive to win it again. Saying they won't repeat is not a knock on their team because the Devils still have the talent to make a run at the Cup.

New Jersey Devils preview

Changes affect Devils' chances

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