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 Tuesday, November 9
NHL investigating Wings' behavior
Associated Press

 DETROIT -- The NHL is investigating reports Detroit Red Wings coach Scotty Bowman, captain Steve Yzerman and forward Martin Lapointe abused two cameramen during a game in Tampa Bay.

Bowman shoved a cameraman and yelled obscenities, Yzerman tried to grab a camera, and Lapointe threatened and spit at a cameraman during Detroit's 3-2 loss to Tampa Bay on Sunday, according accounts in the Detroit Free Press and Booth Newspapers.

The Red Wings declined to make Lapointe and Yzerman available for comment Monday and spokesman Michael Kuta had no comment.

Bowman, in an interview with Booth Newspapers on Tuesday, acknowledged pushing the cameraman.

The Orlando-based Sunshine Network is leaving the investigation in the NHL's hands, Sunshine official James Miller said.

"The Sunshine Network is not going to file a complaint, and the three parties involved, our two cameramen and stage manager, would like to have this just blow over," Miller said. "Everyone feels this has kind of been blown out of proportion and everyone would like to just move on with their lives."

NHL spokesman Frank Brown said the league was investigating.

"We are gathering information at this time. That involves having our security department conduct interviews and that process is under way," Brown said.

The trouble began during the second intermission, after defenseman Chris Chelios was penalized with 10 seconds remaining in the period, giving Tampa Bay a two-man advantage. Bowman left the bench, walked down the tunnel toward the locker room, and encountered a camera crew that was setting up to interview associate coach Dave Lewis.

Cameraman Richard Delaney said he was "jostled" and "bumped" by Bowman, but afterward backed off an earlier assertion that the coach shoved him.

Asked whether he was in Bowman's path, Delaney said: "I could have been."

Bowman said the incident started because a cart was blocking the hallway to the team's locker room. "I wanted to get to the dressing room to watch the penalty again. The cameraman was blocking the way. I didn't punch him. I did push him to the left, enough to make my way to the coach's office," Bowman told Booth Newspapers.

Delaney fell into stage manager Amy Conforth, the camera striking her on a shoulder.

Bowman then started yelling obscenities, she said.

He "should get a slap on the hand for what he did, but I'm not going to file a complaint," Conforth said. "The guy doesn't know how to behave."

In the third period Petrocky said he pointed his camera at Yzerman and Lapointe sitting dejectedly on the bench.

Yzerman "reached around the front of the glass to try to grab the lens," Petrocky said. "When I backed up, Yzerman backed off and Lapointe started in on me."

He said Lapointe threatened to come after him, then started spitting at him over the glass.

"He's just an overrated, overpaid brat," Petrocky said. "I'm just trying to do my job, just like he is."


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