Scoring Summary


1stGennett singled to right, Hamilton scored, Votto to third.10
1stVotto scored, Gennett to second on wild pitch by Weaver.20
4thBader doubled to left, Ozuna scored, DeJong to third.21
4thG. Garcia reached on bunt single to second, DeJong scored, Bader to third.22
7thVotto hit sacrifice fly to center, Hamilton scored.32
8thBader reached on infield single to shortstop, A. García scored, J. Martínez to third, DeJong to second.33
10thSuárez homered to left (408 feet), Votto scored.53
10thDixon homered to left (385 feet).63
10thG. Garcia grounded out to shortstop, Wisdom scored.64
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