Skylar Treadwell

Skylar Treadwell


CLASS: 2020



  • Hagerstown, MDHometown
  • St. James SchoolHigh School
  • 6-1Height
  • Weight
  • Overall Rank
  • 10Position Rank
Also Considered

ESPN Player Evaluations

USJN-July 2019: Athletic front court prospect with versatility; superior length, wingspan competes on the glass, rebounds and handles coast-to-coast in transition game; keeps the defense honest, knocks down jumpers at the arc; defends numerous positions. (Olson)

The National Championship-July 2018: Agile big-guard manufactures, knocks down jumpers to the arc; anticipates, defends, traps in pressure; scores in transition game. (Olson)

Boo Williams Inviational-April 2018: Athletic perimeter performer with size keeps the defense honest to the arc; fills the lane on the fast break, scores in uptempo; slices into the defense and scores in traffic. (Olson)


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