Scoring Summary


3rdE Carrera tripled to deep left, M LaPorta scored.10
4thJ Hannahan singled to left center, A Cabrera scored, T Hafner to third, C Santana to second.20
4thM LaPorta grounded into fielder's choice to third, T Hafner scored, C Santana to third, J Hannahan safe at second on throwing error by third baseman W Betemit.30
4thV Martinez singled to right, D Young scored.31
6thA Avila singled to left, M Cabrera scored, V Martinez to third.32
6thJ Peralta hit sacrifice fly to left, V Martinez scored.33
7thD Worth scored on Z Putnam's wild pitch.34
8thJ Hannahan hit sacrifice fly to right, C Phelps scored.44
8thJ Peralta homered to left (373 feet).45
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