Tomia Johnson

Point Guard

CLASS: 2020



  • Aurora, COHometown
  • Grandview High School
  • 5-6Height
  • Weight
  • Overall Rank
  • 31Position Rank
Also Considered

ESPN Player Evaluations

USJN-July 2018: Athletic lead-guard flourishes in uptempo game; jet-quick with extra-gear speed in transition game; emerging perimeter game consistency to the arc; disruptive defender, scores from turnovers. (Olson)

USJN-July 2017: Explosively quick floor-leader handles, pushes tempo and distributes; speed merchant, tough to contain in open floor game; collapses the defense, offers mid-range offensive attack. (Olson)

USA Trials-May 2017: Jet-quick lead-guard with a scorer's mentality in the back court; breaks down the defender with consistent destination to the rim; 1 on 1 creator with developing offensive game consistency. (Olson)


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