15Diego Vidal, FB
14Luke McLean, W
13Emiliano Mulieri, C
12Alberto Sgarbi, C
11Gonzalo Garcia, W
10Andy Vilk, FH
9Marius Goosen, SH
1Michele Rizzo, P
2Leonardo Ghiraldini, H
3Antonio Pavanello, P
4Cornelius van Zyl, L
5Bian Vermaak, L
6Alessandro Zanni, FL
7Dion Kingi, FL
8Fabio Semenzato, N8
16Augusto Allori, R
17Pedro di Santo, R
18Enrico Pavanello, R
19Robert Barbieri, R
20Marco Filippucci, R
21Tobie Botes, R
22Brendan Williams, R

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

1:30 PM, October 10, 2009

Match Commentary

81'Substitute on - Marco Filippucci , Benetton Treviso
81'Player substituted - Bian Vermaak , Benetton Treviso
80'+19-8 End of second half
80'Player substituted - Gerrie Britz , Perpignan
80'Substitute on - Bertrand Guiry , Perpignan
80'Substitute on - Brendan Williams , Benetton Treviso
80'Player substituted - Emiliano Mulieri , Benetton Treviso
77'9-8 Try - Jerome Porical , Perpignan
72'Substitute on - Steve Meyer , Perpignan
72'Player substituted - Nicolas Laharrague , Perpignan
72'Substitute on - Christophe Manas , Perpignan
72'Player substituted - Maxime Mermoz , Perpignan
69'Player substituted - Alessandro Zanni , Benetton Treviso
69'Substitute on - Dion Kingi , Benetton Treviso
64'Player substituted - Guillaume Vilaceca , Perpignan
64'Substitute on - Rimas Alvarez Kairelis , Perpignan
63'9-3 Penalty goal - Marius Goosen , Benetton Treviso
60'Player substituted - Leonardo Ghiraldini , Benetton Treviso
60'Substitute on - Diego Vidal , Benetton Treviso
56'Player substituted - Dion Kingi , Benetton Treviso
56'Substitute on - Robert Barbieri , Benetton Treviso
56'Player substituted - Sebastien Chobet , Perpignan
56'Substitute on - Jerome Schuster , Perpignan
56'Substitute on - Marius Tincu , Perpignan
56'Player substituted - Guilhem Guirado , Perpignan
54'6-3 Penalty goal - Jerome Porical , Perpignan
50'Substitute on - Pedro di Santo , Benetton Treviso
50'Player substituted - Michele Rizzo , Benetton Treviso
50'Substitute on - Augusto Allori , Benetton Treviso
50'Player substituted - undefined , Benetton Treviso
40'6-0 Start of second half
40'6-0 End of first half
39'6-0 Penalty goal - Marius Goosen , Benetton Treviso
23'3-0 Penalty goal - Marius Goosen , Benetton Treviso
1'0-0 Start of first half

European Rugby Champions Cup 2010 News