15Jerome Porical, FB
14Farid Sid, W
13David Marty, C
12Jean-Philippe Grandclaude, C
11Adrien Plante, W
10David Mele, FH
9Chris Cusiter, SH
1Perry Freshwater, P
2Marius Tincu, H
3Nicolas Mas, P
4Olivier Olibeau, L
5Rimas Alvarez Kairelis, L
6Gerrie Britz, FL
7Jean-Pierre Perez, FL
8Damien Chouly, N8
16Guilhem Guirado, R
17Sebastien Chobet, R
18Kisi Pulu, R
19Guillaume Vilaceca, R
20Bertrand Guiry, R
21Julien Candelon, R
22Phillip Burger, R

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

8:00 PM, Octubre 10, 2008

Match Commentary

81'Player substituted - Salvatore Costanzo , Benetton Treviso
81'Substitute on - Andy Vilk , Benetton Treviso
81'Substitute on - Mark Gilbride , Benetton Treviso
81'Player substituted - Marco Filippucci , Benetton Treviso
80'+127-16 End of second half
76'Substitute on - Julien Candelon , Perpignan
76'Player substituted - Jerome Porical , Perpignan
74'27-16 Penalty goal - Marius Goosen , Benetton Treviso
71'Substitute on - Andrea Ceccato , Benetton Treviso
71'Player substituted - Andy Vilk , Benetton Treviso
68'Yellow card - Salvatore Costanzo , Benetton Treviso
65'Substitute on - Guillaume Vilaceca , Perpignan
65'Player substituted - Olivier Olibeau , Perpignan
65'Player substituted - Gerrie Britz , Perpignan
65'Substitute on - Bertrand Guiry , Perpignan
65'Substitute on - Guilhem Guirado , Perpignan
65'Player substituted - Marius Tincu , Perpignan
65'Player substituted - Nicolas Mas , Perpignan
65'Substitute on - Kisi Pulu , Perpignan
65'Substitute on - Tobie Botes , Benetton Treviso
65'Player substituted - Simon Picone , Benetton Treviso
55'Substitute on - Diego Vidal , Benetton Treviso
55'Player substituted - Augusto Allori , Benetton Treviso
55'Substitute on - Marius Goosen , Benetton Treviso
55'Player substituted - Andrea Marcato , Benetton Treviso
53'27-13 Conversion - Jerome Porical , Perpignan
52'25-13 Try - Jean-Philippe Grandclaude , Perpignan
48'Player substituted - Perry Freshwater , Perpignan
48'Substitute on - Sebastien Chobet , Perpignan
46'20-13 Drop goal - David Mele , Perpignan
46'Substitute on - undefined , Benetton Treviso
46'Player substituted - Enrico Pavanello , Benetton Treviso
46'Player substituted - Silvio Orlando , Benetton Treviso
46'Substitute on - Marco Filippucci , Benetton Treviso
42'Player substituted - Diego Vidal , Benetton Treviso
42'Substitute on - Franco Sbaraglini , Benetton Treviso
42'Player substituted - David Marty , Perpignan
42'Substitute on - Phillip Burger , Perpignan
40'17-13 Start of second half
41'+617-13 Conversion - Jerome Porical , Perpignan
40'+717-13 End of first half
40'+615-13 Try - Jerome Porical , Perpignan
40'Player substituted - Franco Sbaraglini , Benetton Treviso
40'Substitute on - Diego Vidal , Benetton Treviso
38'10-13 Drop goal - David Mele , Perpignan
33'7-13 Penalty goal - Andrea Marcato , Benetton Treviso
24'7-10 Conversion - Jerome Porical , Perpignan
23'Yellow card - Ben de Jager , Benetton Treviso
23'5-10 Penalty try
14'0-10 Conversion - Andrea Marcato , Benetton Treviso
13'0-8 Try - Emiliano Mulieri , Benetton Treviso
7'0-3 Penalty goal - Andrea Marcato , Benetton Treviso
1'0-0 Start of first half

European Rugby Champions Cup 2009 News