Scoring Summary


1stNarváez singled to right, Grissom scored, Hickey to third.10
1stGuerrero Jr. doubled to center, Bichette scored.11
2ndClement homered to left center, Kirk scored.13
2ndSchneider homered to center (399 feet).14
3rdNarváez singled to left, Sogard scored, Hickey to second.24
3rdBichette singled to right, Clement scored, Schneider to third.25
4thRomero homered to center (412 feet).35
4thKirk singled to left, Santander scored, Springer to third.36
4thSchneider singled to right, Springer scored, Kirk to second.37
7thHickey hit sacrifice fly to left, Sogard scored, Grissom to third.47
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