
Miami staff faces more allegations

It's deja vu for Miami coach Al Golden, who once again has been hit with allegations that the program has violated NCAA rules. For the second consecutive summer, the NCAA has been on campus, this time looking into new accusations.

Citing unidentified sources, Yahoo! Sports reported Friday that former Miami football employee Sean Allen assisted members of Golden's coaching staff with recruiting. If true, that could be a major NCAA violation.

There's no reason to jump to any conclusions at this point, but we do know this: It's going to be a loooong season for Golden, another filled with the distractions of the NCAA's dark cloud, and another filled with questions surrounding the program both on and off the field. This has to be misery for Golden -- clearly not what he signed up for. Golden is guaranteed to be asked about this at ACC media days at least a few dozen times. Don't expect any answers from him or the NCAA anytime soon.