
Gabe Ikard: Austin Woods 'very admirable'

Nothing could keep deep snapper and center Austin Woods out of workouts this summer. Not even chemotherapy.

"Woods went through all of summer workouts with cancer which is very admirable and kind of ridiculous if you think about it,” center Gabe Ikard said during OU media day. "Every workout. The only times he missed is when he had chemo treatments. Honestly, it was one of those things where we're going through a workout and you look to your left and you look at Austin and he's going through it and you're like, 'Man it's not that bad'. There's worse things in life than breathing hard on a Wednesday."

Ikard said he’s relieved that Woods, who was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in the spring, has been able to overcome his ailment to be with the team. Especially after the news that center Ben Habern had given up football because of a bad back and neck.

"I was just dreading two-a-days and I knew Ben was iffy because he shared some of his feelings with me; I was ending up a center with no backup,” Ikard said. “I was going to play every play all the time. [Woods] told me (the doctor's cleared him) and I was happy. I was really happy.

"He's got a great fighter's mentality and it's unbelievable the stuff he's doing for us. He's practicing with a (chemotherapy) port in his chest. He puts a pad over it, doesn't say anything about it and he's just one of those guys that's got the right attitude. He's one of my best friends so it's good to have him out there."