
Three Deep: Pros and pro day

1. Pro day arrives: Texas will hold its pro day today. There is definitely not a sure fire NFL stars who’ll be working out at Denius Field today, and no Texas player is projected to go very early in the draft.

However, there could be players working out today who could turn out to be players with good, long NFL careers. When it comes to players like Emmanuel Acho and Keenan Robinson, they didn’t blow the world away with their showing at the combine in February, and might not today either. But, the NFL can always find a place for smart, athletic linebackers who know how to thrive in multiple-set defenses.

Then there’s Fozzy Whittaker. He was the heart and soul of the Longhorns until being injured in the Missouri game. He won’t be a sought-after NFL player either, but it will be good to see him working out again.

2. Ross gets paid: While pro day is all about boosting your stock, one guy who needs no help now is Aaron Ross. The former Longhorns, and now former New York Giant, is now a Jacksonville Jaguar after reportedly agreeing to a three-year $15.3 million deal. Ross had mostly been the third corner for the Super Bowl champs, but did start 15 games last season after Terrell Thomas was injured. Now in Jacksonville, Ross should get the chance to be a full-time starter.

3. Coach G calls it quits: Texas women’s basketball coach Gail Goestenkors resigned yesterday.

“My heart tells me it was time to take a break,” she said in her news conference yesterday.

She came to the 40 Acres five years after an incredibly successful stint at Duke, but something never clicked at Texas. She went 102-64 with the Longhorns, but never advanced past the second round of the NCAA tournament.

Texas’ administration – in this case, women’s AD Chris Plonsky – have been patient with all their coaches and would probably have liked to keep her around. So, perhaps the differences of life at Texas compared to Duke and the struggles on the court really hurt Coach G.

As Mechelle Voepel writes, she will benefit from getting away:

Goestenkors said she needs time away, to rest and re-evaluate her life. She's an inherently very kind and caring person, which some people don't realize because -- believe it or not -- she is also fundamentally pretty shy and can seem distant. Goestenkors has never been the kind of coach to sell recruits on how great she is or talk about her strengths with X's and O's, even though they are considerable.

Right now, she says she's "out of basketball," but time away might replenish her passion to coach. I suspect that it will, on the college or pro level. She's still got a ton to offer at either, if she chooses to go back.

Hopefully, she finds what she was missing in Texas and the Longhorns can find another top-notch coach.

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