
Tejaswin's rapid 1, Ancy's silver-winning 0.07, Pakistan's nightmare 1: India's Day 9 at Asian Games defined by numbers

Tejaswin Shankar finished first in the men's decathlon 400m race to move up the standings at the 19th Asian Games, Hangzhou. AP Photo/Vincent Thian

While India's medal haul wasn't as glittering as yesterday, plenty of athletes delivered to take India's medal tally up to 60. Here, ESPN India picks out 8 unique numbers that truly helped define the day that India had on Monday, October 2.


Ancy Sojan hit her personal best once, equalling it on the third jump of the day to go second, and then sealed that spot with a leap that bettered that PB by 0.07m (7 centimeters!). Now that's some way to seal an Asian Games silver on debut. In between all that she found time to cheer up her teammate, gee up the crowd and be an all-round rockstar.


Two centimeters separated Shaili Singh from bronze. 6.48 vs 6.50... about as agonizingly close as it gets.


India had finished third by 0.09 seconds at the end of the 4x400m mixed relay... but it was a bronze that was upgraded to silver after Sri Lanka was disqualified for a lane change.


Tejaswin Shankar was fifth in the overall standings after the end of the shot put, the third event of the decathlon (out of 10, of course). By the end of the fourth event, he was leading the field by a monstrous 169 points.

You see, the fourth event was the high jump - one where he is a Commonwealth Games bronze medalist. He started where everyone stopped (1.97m) and rose all the way to a season's best 2.20m. That, plus an excellent 400m sprint where he finished top of the field saw him extend his lead atop the decathlon to two hundred and fifty points. A great platform for him to look to build on as the events he's considered weak in play out on day two.


58 goals in five games. Five goals conceded. India's men's hockey team flew through the group stages to the semifinals. But this was conservative. Last time in Jakarta, they scored 76 in five. And then lost in the semifinal.


How many times have we ever seen this? After the 110m hurdles final ended, there was nothing to separate Yaqoub Alyouha and Shunya Takayama. And by nothing, I mean nothing! Both Alyouha and Takayama finished in 21.409 seconds exact. Inseparable, they were awarded a joint gold.


One of those numbers which highlight the sheer difference in class between athletes in certain events. India's London Singh Hemam finished 12th in the 1m springboard diving event, scoring 207.8 out of a highest possible 500. The winner, Olympic silver medalist Wang Zongyuan scored 459.50, a whole 251.7 points ahead.


This is the first time ever that Pakistan have not made the semifinals of an Asian Games men's hockey event. Quite incredible - they finished third in the group, behind India and Japan.