
2024 NFL draft winners, losers: Players impacted by rookie picks

The decisions every team makes during the NFL draft have an obvious impact on their rosters. They also affect the players who were already a part of the organization. While veteran players might not be grinding college tape or mock drafts in the weeks before the big event, anyone who doesn't have a guaranteed path to a starting job is at least paying some attention to what happens when their team goes on the podium. New additions to the roster are competition, and the majority of the league's players are one training camp battle away from potentially being released.

Of course, as we saw in one conspicuous case during the top 10 picks, players who are guaranteed nine figures and promised a starting role can't even be sure they won't be blindsided by a move their team makes. You can probably guess where that player stands in this look at veteran players who were affected by what happened during the draft. I'll be sorting 16 of them into winners and losers by virtue of what the draft did to their chances of making an impact in 2024.