
'We wanted Wayne': Eels left at altar by Bennett

Parramatta powerbrokers insist they have no regrets over a clandestine bid to sign Wayne Bennett, only for the supercoach to seal a return to South Sydney.

Less than 24 hours after axing longstanding coach Brad Arthur, Eels chairman Sean McElduff and chief executive Jim Sarantinos said that the club had been in talks with Bennett since May 1.

But it took until Monday for the club to go public with their pursuit, hours after Arthur's sacking, and just a day before Bennett signed a three-year deal to return to Souths in 2025.

"We wanted Wayne Bennett it's as simple as that and we spent the best part of three weeks trying to convince him to come," McElduff said on Tuesday.

"Ultimately he made it clear to us that he had unfinished business at the Rabbitohs and that was the direction he was heading.

"He was interested, we put our proposition to him and he was genuinely interested but I think he felt strongly with his connection to the Rabbitohs.

"We didn't make a decision on our head coach until May 1 and we didn't approach Wayne until May 2."

Trent Barrett is set to preside over Parramatta, whose squad was given Tuesday off training, until the end of the year.

Sarantinos said there was no fixed timeline or candidate in mind, but the incoming coach would not have absolute control over the club's roster.

"We were very comfortable with the say Brad had on recruitment," Sarantinos said.

"I think the head coach should have the strongest say on recruitment and the players that come in, we won't operate any differently to that and that will continue with the next head coach."