
Rugby world throws support behind grieving Lukhan Tui

The rugby world has rallied around Wallabies flanker Lukhan Tui after he was involved in a shocking confrontation with a fan following Australia's loss to the Pumas on the Gold Coast on Saturday night.

Standing with family and teammates in the stands following the 23-19 loss, Tui was approached by an aggressive fan who allegedly pushed his younger sister and told the 21-year-old to "play with more heart" before he began to grapple with him.

The fan was eventually frog marched up the stand by another spectator before police arrived, while Tui and his family were led down the tunnel by teammates.

Fiji winger Nemani Nadolo was one of the first in the rugby world to throw his support behind the young player.

The Wallabies wore black armbands for the match in memory of Tui's stepfather, who had died earlier in the week.

Wallabies coach Michael Cheika told reporters Tui was distraught when he entered the change rooms and told his teammates he would be stepping away from the game. Cheika confirmed Sunday morning, Tui would not be travelling to South Africa and was unlikely to play again this year.

Will Genia and Alex Mafi were quick to jump on Instagram following the game to show their support for their teammate.

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My heart goes out to @lukhantui and his family in this time. To the fan who thought it was okay to abuse a player and use ill language around children and family - you were very lucky. At the end of the day there are bigger things in life than the game we all love. Khan unexpectedly lost his father on Wednesday, yet turned up last night to put in a shift for his country and in memory of his father - to only be sworn at and abused and told in front of his family by a drunk dickhead "you need to play with more heart". Khans decision to step down from wallaby duties this year speaks more about the man that he is - in a time where his siblings and mother need him most, he understands the need of his presence in his home - and being away with the wallabies for the remainder of the year would not couple up with the needs his family has at the moment. Both these boys have lost their fathers at young age and are both stronger men then I could ever be ❤️

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Karmichael Hunt also showed his support on twitter.

The Wallabies will fly out to South Africa this weekend as they prepare to take on the Springboks who shocked the All Blacks in Wellington to win 36-34.