Scoring Summary


3rdM Lowell doubled to left center, J Pierre scored, M Cabrera to third.10
3rdJ Conine doubled to deep center, M Cabrera, M Lowell and H Choi scored.40
3rdC Crawford hit sacrifice fly to center, F McGriff scored, R Sanchez to second.41
4thM Cabrera hit sacrifice fly to left, D Easley scored.51
6thD Easley homered to left.61
7thD Easley doubled to deep left, J Conine scored, M Redmond to third.71
7thM Mordecai reached on infield single to shortstop, M Redmond scored, D Easley to third.81
7thJ Pierre doubled to deep right center, D Easley and M Mordecai scored.101
8thJ Lugo doubled to deep left, J Gathright and R Baldelli scored, A Huff to third.103
9thJ Pierre grounded into fielder's choice to second, M Redmond scored, M Mordecai out at second, D Easley to third.113
9thR Fick doubled to deep right, C Crawford scored.114
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