Scoring Summary


1stDurbin homered to left.10
1stCapra homered to left center.20
3rdMargot grounded out to shortstop, Durbin scored.30
4thFairchild singled to left, Encarnacion-Strand scored, Fraley to second.31
4thFriedl reached on infield single to pitcher, Fraley scored on throwing error by pitcher Middendorf, Friedl safe at second on throwing error by first baseman Black, Fairchild safe at third on error.32
6thBlack scored on error, Haase safe at first on fielding error by shortstop Balcazar.42
6thHinds singled to center, Jorge scored.43
7thHurtubise scored on error, Rodriguez safe at first on throwing error by third baseman Warren, Callahan safe at third on error.44
7thCallahan stole home, Rodriguez stole second.45
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