- AstrosTop 1st
- P. Wilson pitching for CINHOUCIN
Pitch 1Strike Looking2Ground Out
- RedsBottom 1st
- J. Robertson pitching for HOUHOUCIN
- AstrosTop 2nd
- P. Wilson pitching for CINHOUCIN
- RedsBottom 2nd
- J. Robertson pitching for HOUHOUCIN
- AstrosTop 3rd
- P. Wilson pitching for CINHOUCIN
- RedsBottom 3rd
- J. Robertson pitching for HOUHOUCIN
- AstrosTop 4th
- P. Wilson pitching for CINHOUCIN
- RedsBottom 4th
- J. Robertson pitching for HOUHOUCIN
- AstrosTop 5th
- P. Wilson pitching for CINHOUCIN
- RedsBottom 5th
- J. Robertson pitching for HOUHOUCIN
- AstrosTop 6th
- P. Wilson pitching for CINHOUCIN
- RedsBottom 6th
- J. Robertson pitching for HOUHOUCIN
- R Taylor ran for K Griffey Jr.52
- M. Gallo pitching for HOUHOUCIN
- A Dunn safe at first on throwing error by catcher G Zaun, A Boone to third.53
- B Larson hit for P Wilson.54
- R. Stone pitching for HOUHOUCIN
- R Taylor in center field.54
- R. Stone pitching for CINHOUCIN
- E Bruntlett hit for R Stone.54
- AstrosTop 7th
- C. Reitsma pitching for CINHOUCIN
- E Bruntlett picked off third.54
- RedsBottom 7th
- B. Lidge pitching for HOUHOUCIN
- AstrosTop 8th
- C. Reitsma pitching for CINHOUCIN
- RedsBottom 8th
- O. Dotel pitching for HOUHOUCIN
- B Ausmus catching.54
- O Merced hit for O Dotel.54
- AstrosTop 9th
- K. Mercker pitching for CINHOUCIN
- B Hunter hit for O Merced.54
- RedsBottom 9th
- B. Wagner pitching for HOUHOUCIN
- J Castro hit for K Mercker.54
- B Larkin safe at second on error by shortstop A Everett, D Jimenez to third.54
HOU wins 4-0
Game Information
Great American Ball Park
12:10 AM, 18 July 2003
Cincinnati, Ohio
Attendance: 29,366
Game Time:2:44
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - Jerry Crawford
- First Base Umpire - Brian Onora
- Second Base Umpire - Larry Poncino
- Third Base Umpire - Phil Cuzzi