- CubsTop 1st
- F. Diaz pitching for CWSCHCCWS
Pitch 1Strike Looking2Ball3Strike Swinging4Ball5Foul Ball6Pop Out
- White SoxBottom 1st
- C. Zambrano pitching for CHCCHCCWS
- CubsTop 2nd
- F. Diaz pitching for CWSCHCCWS
- White SoxBottom 2nd
- C. Zambrano pitching for CHCCHCCWS
- CubsTop 3rd
- F. Diaz pitching for CWSCHCCWS
- White SoxBottom 3rd
- C. Zambrano pitching for CHCCHCCWS
- F Thomas to second on wild pitch by C Zambrano.00
- CubsTop 4th
- F. Diaz pitching for CWSCHCCWS
- White SoxBottom 4th
- C. Zambrano pitching for CHCCHCCWS
- CubsTop 5th
- F. Diaz pitching for CWSCHCCWS
- White SoxBottom 5th
- C. Zambrano pitching for CHCCHCCWS
- CubsTop 6th
- F. Diaz pitching for CWSCHCCWS
- White SoxBottom 6th
- C. Zambrano pitching for CHCCHCCWS
- CubsTop 7th
- C. Politte pitching for CWSCHCCWS
- White SoxBottom 7th
- F. Beltran pitching for CHCCHCCWS
- J Crede singled to left center, T Perez to third, J Crede to second advancing on throw.36
- A Rowand in center field.36
- CubsTop 8th
- C. Politte pitching for CWSCHCCWS
- D. Marte pitching for CWSCHCCWS
- S. Takatsu pitching for CWSCHCCWS
- White SoxBottom 8th
- F. Beltran pitching for CHCCHCCWS
- CubsTop 9th
- S. Takatsu pitching for CWSCHCCWS
CWS wins 2-1
Game Information
Rate Field
9:05 PM, 26 June 2004
Chicago, Illinois
Attendance: 39,553
Game Time:2:37
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - Chris Guccione
- First Base Umpire - Eric Cooper
- Second Base Umpire - Mike Reilly
- Third Base Umpire - Chuck Meriwether