- AthleticsTop 1st
- M. Redman pitching for KCOAKKC
Pitch 1Strike Looking2Ball3Foul Ball4Single
- RoyalsBottom 1st
- B. Zito pitching for OAKOAKKC
- AthleticsTop 2nd
- M. Redman pitching for KCOAKKC
- RoyalsBottom 2nd
- B. Zito pitching for OAKOAKKC
- AthleticsTop 3rd
- M. Redman pitching for KCOAKKC
- RoyalsBottom 3rd
- B. Zito pitching for OAKOAKKC
- E German ran for M Sweeney.21
- AthleticsTop 4th
- M. Redman pitching for KCOAKKC
- RoyalsBottom 4th
- B. Zito pitching for OAKOAKKC
- AthleticsTop 5th
- M. Redman pitching for KCOAKKC
- RoyalsBottom 5th
- B. Zito pitching for OAKOAKKC
- D DeJesus out on batter's interference to catcher.22
- AthleticsTop 6th
- M. Redman pitching for KCOAKKC
- RoyalsBottom 6th
- B. Zito pitching for OAKOAKKC
- AthleticsTop 7th
- M. Redman pitching for KCOAKKC
- B Crosby sacrificed to third, J Payton to third, N Swisher to second, B Crosby safe at second on throwing error by pitcher M Redman. J Payton scored, N Swisher to third on throwing error by pitcher M32
- J. Peralta pitching for KCOAKKC
- A. Sisco pitching for KCOAKKC
- RoyalsBottom 7th
- B. Zito pitching for OAKOAKKC
- AthleticsTop 8th
- A. Sisco pitching for KCOAKKC
- RoyalsBottom 8th
- B. Zito pitching for OAKOAKKC
- AthleticsTop 9th
- S. Dohmann pitching for KCOAKKC
- RoyalsBottom 9th
- C. Gaudin pitching for OAKOAKKC
Series tied 2-2
Game Information
Kauffman Stadium
12:10 AM, 20 August 2006
Kansas City, Missouri
Attendance: 30,810
Game Time:2:43
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - Lance Barksdale
- First Base Umpire - Dale Scott
- Second Base Umpire - Ron Kulpa
- Third Base Umpire - Dan Iassogna