- PadresTop 1st
- R. Johnson pitching for ARISDARI
Pitch 1Ball2Strike Looking3Ball4Strike Swinging5Ball6Strike Swinging
- DiamondbacksBottom 1st
- D. Wells pitching for SDSDARI
- PadresTop 2nd
- R. Johnson pitching for ARISDARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 2nd
- D. Wells pitching for SDSDARI
- PadresTop 3rd
- R. Johnson pitching for ARISDARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 3rd
- D. Wells pitching for SDSDARI
- PadresTop 4th
- R. Johnson pitching for ARISDARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 4th
- D. Wells pitching for SDSDARI
- PadresTop 5th
- R. Johnson pitching for ARISDARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 5th
- D. Wells pitching for SDSDARI
- S Hairston hit for Ra Johnson.63
- PadresTop 6th
- D. Eveland pitching for ARISDARI
- B Giles to second on passed ball by R Hammock.75
- B. Medders pitching for ARISDARI
- K Greene singled to left, A Gonzalez scored, K Greene scored on throwing error by pitcher B Medders.105
- G Blum at third base.105
- DiamondbacksBottom 6th
- H. Bell pitching for SDSDARI
- PadresTop 7th
- B. Medders pitching for ARISDARI
- R Bowen caught stealing second, catcher to shortstop.105
- M Montero hit for B Medders.105
- DiamondbacksBottom 7th
- H. Bell pitching for SDSDARI
- PadresTop 8th
- D. Nippert pitching for ARISDARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 8th
- D. Brocail pitching for SDSDARI
- PadresTop 9th
- D. Nippert pitching for ARISDARI
- T Sledge hit for D Brocail.105
- J. Valverde pitching for ARISDARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 9th
- K. Cameron pitching for SDSDARI
- C Tracy safe at first on throwing error by first baseman A Gonzalez.105
- A Callaspo hit for J Valverde.105
- T. Hoffman pitching for SDSDARI
ARI wins 2-1
Game Information
Chase Field
2:40 AM, 25 April 2007
Phoenix, Arizona
Attendance: 19,470
Game Time:2:59
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - James Hoye
- First Base Umpire - Mike Reilly
- Second Base Umpire - Jeff Kellogg
- Third Base Umpire - Eric Cooper