- RedsTop 1st
- W. Rodriguez pitching for HOUCINHOU
Pitch 1Ball2Strike Looking3Foul Ball4Ground Out
- AstrosBottom 1st
- E. Volquez pitching for CINCINHOU
- RedsTop 2nd
- W. Rodriguez pitching for HOUCINHOU
- AstrosBottom 2nd
- E. Volquez pitching for CINCINHOU
- RedsTop 3rd
- W. Rodriguez pitching for HOUCINHOU
- AstrosBottom 3rd
- E. Volquez pitching for CINCINHOU
- RedsTop 4th
- W. Rodriguez pitching for HOUCINHOU
- AstrosBottom 4th
- E. Volquez pitching for CINCINHOU
- RedsTop 5th
- W. Rodriguez pitching for HOUCINHOU
- B Phillips caught stealing second, catcher to shortstop.50
- C. Paronto pitching for HOUCINHOU
- AstrosBottom 5th
- E. Volquez pitching for CINCINHOU
- D Newhan hit for T Byrdak.71
- RedsTop 6th
- C. Sampson pitching for HOUCINHOU
- AstrosBottom 6th
- E. Volquez pitching for CINCINHOU
- RedsTop 7th
- C. Sampson pitching for HOUCINHOU
- B Phillips safe at first on error by shortstop M Tejada.71
- AstrosBottom 7th
- E. Volquez pitching for CINCINHOU
- D Erstad safe at first on throwing error by shortstop J Keppinger, H Pence to third.81
- H Quintero grounded into fielder's choice to shortstop, H Pence scored, D Erstad safe at second on error by shortstop J Keppinger.82
- T Wigginton hit for C Sampson.82
- RedsTop 8th
- W. Wright pitching for HOUCINHOU
- A Phillips hit for M Lincoln.85
- AstrosBottom 8th
- D. Weathers pitching for CINCINHOU
- G Blum safe at first on error by left fielder A Dunn.85
- RedsTop 9th
- D. Brocail pitching for HOUCINHOU
- J Valentin hit for D Weathers.95
- AstrosBottom 9th
- F. Cordero pitching for CINCINHOU
- J Bruce in left field.95
- C Patterson in center field.95
- M Bourn hit for H Quintero.95
- M Loretta hit for D Brocail.95
HOU wins 2-1
Game Information
Daikin Park
1:05 AM, 31 July 2008
Houston, Texas
Attendance: 30,272
Game Time:3:13
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - Delfin Colon
- First Base Umpire - Angel Hernandez
- Second Base Umpire - Eric Cooper
- Third Base Umpire - Derryl Cousins