- PiratesTop 1st
- R. Iglesias pitching for CINPITCIN
Pitch Type MPH 1Strike LookingFastball 90 2Foul BallChangeup 85 3Foul BallFastball 93 4BallFastball 88 5Foul BallFastball 87 6Ground OutSlider 85 - Marte doubled to deep right center, Marte to third on error by center fielder Bourgeois.00
- RedsBottom 1st
- F. Liriano pitching for PITPITCIN
- PiratesTop 2nd
- R. Iglesias pitching for CINPITCIN
- RedsBottom 2nd
- F. Liriano pitching for PITPITCIN
- PiratesTop 3rd
- R. Iglesias pitching for CINPITCIN
- Kang scored on Iglesias' balk.50
- RedsBottom 3rd
- F. Liriano pitching for PITPITCIN
- PiratesTop 4th
- J. Smith pitching for CINPITCIN
- RedsBottom 4th
- F. Liriano pitching for PITPITCIN
- PiratesTop 5th
- J. Smith pitching for CINPITCIN
- Marte to second on passed ball by Peña.50
- RedsBottom 5th
- F. Liriano pitching for PITPITCIN
- Negron hit for Smith.50
- PiratesTop 6th
- C. Contreras pitching for CINPITCIN
- Negron in left field.50
- RedsBottom 6th
- F. Liriano pitching for PITPITCIN
- PiratesTop 7th
- C. Contreras pitching for CINPITCIN
- Schumaker in left field.50
- RedsBottom 7th
- J. Hughes pitching for PITPITCIN
- Rodriguez at first base.50
- Barnhart hit for Contreras.50
- PiratesTop 8th
- C. Balester pitching for CINPITCIN
- Álvarez hit for Hughes.60
- RedsBottom 8th
- A. Bastardo pitching for PITPITCIN
- Harrison at second base.60
- PiratesTop 9th
- R. Mattheus pitching for CINPITCIN
- RedsBottom 9th
- M. Melancon pitching for PITPITCIN
- Stewart catching.70
- De Jesús hit for Mattheus.70
- Bruce to second on fielder's indifference.70
- A. Caminero pitching for PITPITCIN
PIT wins 2-1
Game Information
Great American Ball Park
12:10 AM, 9 September 2015
Cincinnati, Ohio
Attendance: 16,151
Game Time:3:19
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - James Hoye
- First Base Umpire - Bill Welke
- Second Base Umpire - Laz Diaz
- Third Base Umpire - John Tumpane