- RaysTop 1st
- R. Nolasco pitching for MINTBMIN
Pitch Type MPH 1Strike LookingFastball 90 2Fly OutFastball 90
- TwinsBottom 1st
- J. Odorizzi pitching for TBTBMIN
- RaysTop 2nd
- R. Nolasco pitching for MINTBMIN
- TwinsBottom 2nd
- J. Odorizzi pitching for TBTBMIN
- RaysTop 3rd
- R. Nolasco pitching for MINTBMIN
- TwinsBottom 3rd
- J. Odorizzi pitching for TBTBMIN
- RaysTop 4th
- R. Nolasco pitching for MINTBMIN
- TwinsBottom 4th
- J. Odorizzi pitching for TBTBMIN
- RaysTop 5th
- R. Nolasco pitching for MINTBMIN
- TwinsBottom 5th
- J. Odorizzi pitching for TBTBMIN
- RaysTop 6th
- R. Nolasco pitching for MINTBMIN
- TwinsBottom 6th
- J. Odorizzi pitching for TBTBMIN
- RaysTop 7th
- R. Nolasco pitching for MINTBMIN
- TwinsBottom 7th
- R. Nolasco pitching for TBTBMIN
- RaysTop 8th
- R. Nolasco pitching for MINTBMIN
- Conger singled to right, Motter to second, Motter to third on error by right fielder Kepler.22
- B. Kintzler pitching for MINTBMIN
- Jennings ran for Conger.32
- TwinsBottom 8th
- X. Cedeno pitching for TBTBMIN
- Casali catching.32
- Jennings in left field.32
- A. Colome pitching for TBTBMIN
- Escobar ran for Plouffe.32
- Escobar to third on passed ball by Casali.32
- RaysTop 9th
- B. Kintzler pitching for MINTBMIN
- Núñez at third base.32
- Escobar at shortstop.32
- TwinsBottom 9th
- A. Colome pitching for TBTBMIN
TB wins 3-1
Game Information
Target Field
1:10 AM, 4 June 2016
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Attendance: 21,134
Game Time:3:03
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - Lance Barksdale
- First Base Umpire - Angel Hernandez
- Second Base Umpire - Will Little
- Third Base Umpire - Ted Barrett