- BrewersTop 1st
- P. Corbin pitching for ARIMILARI
Pitch Type MPH 1SingleFastball 92 - Villar to third, Arcia to second on wild pitch by Corbin.00
- DiamondbacksBottom 1st
- M. Garza pitching for MILMILARI
- BrewersTop 2nd
- P. Corbin pitching for ARIMILARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 2nd
- M. Garza pitching for MILMILARI
- BrewersTop 3rd
- P. Corbin pitching for ARIMILARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 3rd
- M. Garza pitching for MILMILARI
- BrewersTop 4th
- P. Corbin pitching for ARIMILARI
- Braun stole second.20
- DiamondbacksBottom 4th
- M. Garza pitching for MILMILARI
- BrewersTop 5th
- P. Corbin pitching for ARIMILARI
- Broxton stole second.20
- DiamondbacksBottom 5th
- M. Garza pitching for MILMILARI
- Drury safe at first on throwing error by third baseman Villar.20
- BrewersTop 6th
- P. Corbin pitching for ARIMILARI
- E. Marshall pitching for ARIMILARI
- E. Marshall pitching for ARIMILARI
- E. Marshall pitching for ARIMILARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 6th
- M. Garza pitching for MILMILARI
- Gosselin hit for Marshall.60
- Gosselin hit for Marshall.60
- Gosselin hit for Marshall.60
- Gosselin hit for Marshall.60
- Gosselin hit for Marshall.60
- Gosselin hit for Marshall.60
- Diamondbacks
- D. Leone pitching for ARIMILARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 7th
- M. Garza pitching for MILMILARI
- Drury safe at first on throwing error by third baseman Villar.90
- Gosewisch hit for Leone.92
- J. Marinez pitching for MILMILARI
- Wilkins at first base.92
- BrewersTop 8th
- R. Delgado pitching for ARIMILARI
- Gosewisch catching.94
- DiamondbacksBottom 8th
- J. Marinez pitching for MILMILARI
- Weeks Jr. hit for Delgado.94
- BrewersTop 9th
- J. Marinez pitching for ARIMILARI
- Elmore hit for Mariñez.94
- Elmore to third, Broxton to second on wild pitch by Loewen.114
- Z. Godley pitching for ARIMILARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 9th
- D. Goforth pitching for MILMILARI
- Flores in right field.154
- Pérez at third base.154
- Elmore in left field.154
- Piña catching.154
ARI wins 2-1
Game Information
Chase Field
1:10 AM, 7 August 2016
Phoenix, Arizona
Attendance: 29,370
Game Time:4:00
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - John Tumpane
- First Base Umpire - Chris Segal
- Second Base Umpire - Brian O'Nora
- Third Base Umpire - Jeff Kellogg