- PadresTop 1st
- J. Samardzija pitching for SFSDSF
Pitch Type MPH 1Strike LookingSinker 89 2BallSinker 88 3BallSinker 88 4Foul BallSlider 82 5BallSinker 90 6Ground OutSlider 84
- GiantsBottom 1st
- Z. Davies pitching for SDSDSF
- Flores singled to left, Yastrzemski scored on fielding error by left fielder Pham, Flores to second.01
- PadresTop 2nd
- J. Samardzija pitching for SFSDSF
- GiantsBottom 2nd
- Z. Davies pitching for SDSDSF
- PadresTop 3rd
- J. Samardzija pitching for SFSDSF
- GiantsBottom 3rd
- Z. Davies pitching for SDSDSF
- PadresTop 4th
- J. Samardzija pitching for SFSDSF
- GiantsBottom 4th
- Z. Davies pitching for SDSDSF
- PadresTop 5th
- C. Menez pitching for SFSDSF
- France hit for Naylor51
- GiantsBottom 5th
- Z. Davies pitching for SDSDSF
- France as designated hitter.51
- PadresTop 6th
- C. Menez pitching for SFSDSF
- GiantsBottom 6th
- Z. Davies pitching for SDSDSF
- M. Strahm pitching for SDSDSF
- Pence hit for Dickerson52
- PadresTop 7th
- C. Menez pitching for SFSDSF
- Pence as designated hitter.53
- GiantsBottom 7th
- J. Guerra pitching for SDSDSF
- Solano hit for McCarthy53
- PadresTop 8th
- S. Coonrod pitching for SFSDSF
- Yastrzemski in left field.53
- Solano at second base.53
- Dubon in center field.53
- Grisham reached first base on catcher's interference, Grisham to first on error by catcher Heineman, France to second on error.53
- GiantsBottom 8th
- E. Pagan pitching for SDSDSF
- Olivares in left field.53
- Hedges catching.53
- PadresTop 9th
- D. Jiménez pitching for SFSDSF
- GiantsBottom 9th
- D. Pomeranz pitching for SDSDSF
- Ruf hit for Crawford53
SD wins 2-1
Game Information
Oracle Park
2:45 AM, 29 July 2020
San Francisco, California
Game Time:2:54
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - Brian Knight
- First Base Umpire - Mike Muchlinski
- Second Base Umpire - Tom Woodring
- Third Base Umpire - Marvin Hudson