- BrewersTop 1st
- L. Cessa pitching for CINMILCIN
Pitch Type MPH 1BallSinker 93 2Foul BallFour-seam FB 91 3Foul BallSinker 92 4Foul BallChangeup 87 5BallChangeup 87 6BallSinker 92 7Foul BallChangeup 88 8BallFour-seam FB 93
- RedsBottom 1st
- E. Lauer pitching for MILMILCIN
- BrewersTop 2nd
- L. Cessa pitching for CINMILCIN
- Caratini doubled to deep right, Urías scored on throwing error by right fielder Aquino and McCutchen scored on error.22
- RedsBottom 2nd
- E. Lauer pitching for MILMILCIN
- BrewersTop 3rd
- L. Cessa pitching for CINMILCIN
- RedsBottom 3rd
- E. Lauer pitching for MILMILCIN
- L. Perdomo pitching for MILMILCIN
- BrewersTop 4th
- L. Cessa pitching for CINMILCIN
- Yelich stole second.22
- RedsBottom 4th
- L. Perdomo pitching for MILMILCIN
- BrewersTop 5th
- L. Cessa pitching for CINMILCIN
- F. Cruz pitching for CINMILCIN
- RedsBottom 5th
- L. Perdomo pitching for MILMILCIN
- BrewersTop 6th
- F. Cruz pitching for CINMILCIN
- Mitchell stole second.32
- RedsBottom 6th
- L. Perdomo pitching for MILMILCIN
- BrewersTop 7th
- B. Farmer pitching for CINMILCIN
- RedsBottom 7th
- B. Boxberger pitching for MILMILCIN
- Fraley hit for Robinson52
- BrewersTop 8th
- I. Gibaut pitching for CINMILCIN
- Romine catching.52
- Lopez at third base.52
- Reynolds at first base.52
- Fraley in left field.52
- RedsBottom 8th
- M. Bush pitching for MILMILCIN
- Lopez grounded into fielder's choice to shortstop, Aquino scored on error, Fairchild out at second, Lopez safe at second on throwing error by second baseman Wong.53
- Friedl hit for Reynolds53
- D. Williams pitching for MILMILCIN
- BrewersTop 9th
- H. Strickland pitching for CINMILCIN
- K. Farmer at first base.53
- Wong stole second.53
- RedsBottom 9th
- D. Williams pitching for MILMILCIN
MIL wins 3-1
Game Information
Great American Ball Park
11:40 PM, 23 September 2022
Cincinnati, Ohio
Attendance: 16,658
Game Time:3:22
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - Ryan Additon
- First Base Umpire - Jordan Baker
- Second Base Umpire - Chris Guccione
- Third Base Umpire - Mark Carlson