Racing PositionsRanking the top 25 MLB players of the 21st century5MESPNTrump welcomes Opening Day with Rivera, kids4Y25 years ago, Mariano Rivera made the one great start -- yes, start -- of his Hall of Fame career4YSam MillerMariano Rivera had not one, but two Hall of Fame careers5YSam MillerMo wasn't afraid to chew out 'somebody who needed it. Like me': A-Rod on Mariano Rivera5YAlex Rodriguez as told to Buster OlneyRivera awed by first visit to HOF: No better day6YWhy a unanimous Hall of Famer is great for baseball6YSam MillerMariano's family fired up about news of unanimous selection6Y0:33Olney: Behind Rivera's mask was an uncharitable competitor6YBuster OlneyOlney: Why Mariano Rivera could be the first unanimous Baseball Hall of Famer6YBuster Olney