
Misfits stay sharp against Giants Gaming

Tristan “PowerOfEvil” Schrage led Misfits with a standout performance in its 2-0 sweep of Giants Gaming on Friday during the European League of Legends Championship Series in Berlin. Provided by Riot Games

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Despite being locked in for playoffs, Misfits didn't show any complacency in its 2-0 sweep of Giants Gaming on Friday during Week 10, Day 2 of the European League of Legends Championship Series in Berlin.

The first game of the series was all Misfits (7-4, 16-10 match record) from the onset. Giants (2-10, 8-22) simply looked outmatched. After building a massive gold lead by forcing skirmishes and taking objectives, Misfits was able to close out the game after a well-played ace 34 minutes in. Misfits mid laner Tristan "PowerOfEvil" Schrage dominated the game with an 11/1/7 KDA (kills/deaths/assists) as Orianna.

The second game was a little better for Giants early on, as jungler Jonas "Memento" Elmarghich played proactively and gave his team first blood. That, though was before PowerOfEvil earned four kills within the first 15 minutes of the game. Giants hung around in the game until Misfits earned an ace near the 38-minute mark to close out the series. PowerOfEvil, with a 9/3/4 KDA, again proved his dominance for Misfits.

Misfits will play its final regular-season game of the split against Fnatic at 2 p.m. ET on Sunday. Giants has finished its Spring Split in last place of Group A and will be competing in the Summer Promotion Tournament to return to the EU LCS for the summer.