
Scoring Summary


1stK. Dack singled to center, H. Lee scored. 10
1stM. Dowell singled to right, N. DenHartog and C. Evans scored, M. Dray to second. 12
1stK. Chavez singled to right, M. Dray and M. Dowell scored, S. Strelow to third. 14
3rdK. Chavez hit sacrifice fly to left, S. Strelow scored. 15
4thM. Herzog homered to left. 25
4thN. DenHartog homered to left center. 26
6thC. Baker doubled to deep left, K. Wooley scored. 36
6thM. Herzog doubled to left, C. Baker scored. 46
6thR. Wiggins singled to center, M. Herzog and A. Tippit scored. 66
6thK. Dack homered to center, R. Wiggins scored. 86
6thDenson scored, DenHartog to second on passed ball.87
7thG. Uribe singled to center into double play, left to catcher to third to second to third to shortstop, K. Wooley and M. Smith scored, M. Herzog out at third, G. Uribe out at second.107
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