Scoring Summary


2ndP Borders singled to right, M Cuddyer scored, A Ojeda to third.02
2ndP Borders singled to right, M Cuddyer scored, A Ojeda to third.02
3rdJ Offerman grounded out to second, T Hunter scored, J Morneau to third.04
3rdJ Offerman grounded out to second, T Hunter scored, J Morneau to third.04
3rdC Guzman doubled to deep left, J Morneau scored.06
3rdC Guzman doubled to deep left, J Morneau scored.06
3rdM Cuddyer homered to left, C Guzman scored.08
3rdM Cuddyer homered to left, C Guzman scored.08
4thR Gload hit sacrifice fly to left, C Lee scored.28
4thR Gload hit sacrifice fly to left, C Lee scored.28
8thA Ojeda doubled to deep left, C Guzman scored.210
8thA Ojeda doubled to deep left, C Guzman scored.210
8thP Borders doubled to left, A Ojeda scored.212
8thP Borders doubled to left, A Ojeda scored.212
8thJ Morneau doubled to deep center, P Borders, L Ford and T Hunter scored.218
8thJ Morneau doubled to deep center, P Borders, L Ford and T Hunter scored.218
9thP Borders singled to right, M Cuddyer scored, A Ojeda to third.218
9thJ Offerman grounded out to second, T Hunter scored, J Morneau to third.218
9thC Guzman doubled to deep left, J Morneau scored.218
9thM Cuddyer homered to left, C Guzman scored.218
9thR Gload hit sacrifice fly to left, C Lee scored.218
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