Scoring Summary


1stB Wilkerson homered to right center.10
1stD Ward grounded out to shortstop, B Hill scored, J Bay to third.11
1stJ Castillo singled to right, J Bay scored, R Mackowiak to third.12
3rdJ Guillen doubled to deep left, B Wilkerson and M Byrd scored.32
3rdJ Bay doubled to deep right center, B Hill scored.33
3rdR Mackowiak grounded out to shortstop, J Bay scored.34
4thM Lawton grounded out to first, J Wilson scored.35
7thV Castilla hit sacrifice fly to center, B Wilkerson scored.45
7thM Lawton homered to right, D Ross scored.47
8thM Lawton doubled to deep center, T Redman and D Ross scored.49
8thD Ward doubled to deep left, M Lawton and B Hill scored.411
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