Scoring Summary


3rdM Cameron singled to right center, J Reyes scored.00
4thD Wright singled to left, C Floyd scored, M Anderson to third.10
4thD Mientkiewicz grounded into fielder's choice to pitcher, M Anderson scored, D Wright to second.20
4thJ Thome homered to left center.30
7thD Mientkiewicz homered to right.31
7thT Pratt homered to left.41
7thJ Michaels singled to right center, J Rollins scored, J Michaels to second advancing on throw.41
9thM Cameron singled to right center, J Reyes scored.42
9thD Wright singled to left, C Floyd scored, M Anderson to third.42
9thD Mientkiewicz grounded into fielder's choice to pitcher, M Anderson scored, D Wright to second.42
9thJ Thome homered to left center.42
9thD Mientkiewicz homered to right.42
7thT Pratt homered to left.42
7thJ Michaels singled to right center, J Rollins scored, J Michaels to second advancing on throw.42
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