Scoring Summary


1stC Utley singled to right, J Rollins scored, S Victorino to third.01
1stC Ruiz singled to right, S Victorino and C Utley scored, R Howard to third.03
3rdC Ruiz doubled to deep left, C Utley scored, R Howard to third.04
4thA Amezaga grounded out to pitcher, M Jacobs scored, J Borchard to second.14
6thA Amezaga singled to right, M Jacobs scored.24
6thJ Rollins homered to right center.25
6thJ Conine singled to left, S Victorino scored, C Utley to second.26
8thJ Borchard homered to center, M Jacobs scored.46
8thJ Conine doubled to deep right, S Victorino and C Utley scored, R Howard to third.48
9thM Olivo homered to center.58
9thH Ramirez homered to left.68
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