Scoring Summary


1stM Young homered to left center.10
1stJ Thome homered to right center, O Cabrera and C Quentin scored.13
2ndI Kinsler doubled to right center, H Blalock scored, D Murphy to third, D Murphy scored, I Kinsler to third on error by second baseman A Ramirez.33
4thD Murphy singled to center, C Davis scored.43
4thM Young singled to center, D Murphy scored, I Kinsler to second.53
5thH Blalock hit sacrifice fly to center, M Bradley scored.63
5thC Quentin homered to center.64
7thJ Saltalamacchia singled to left, M Bradley and M Byrd scored, J Saltalamacchia to second advancing on throw.84
7thJ Dye doubled to deep left, O Cabrera scored.85
8thA Ramirez singled to left, P Konerko scored.86
8thO Cabrera hit sacrifice fly to left, A Ramirez scored.87
8thC Quentin homered to center, J Uribe and N Swisher scored.810
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