Scoring Summary


1stM Holliday homered to center, S Schumaker scored.02
2ndR Davis reached on infield single to shortstop, M Ellis scored.12
2ndC Jackson doubled to deep center, C Pennington and R Davis scored.32
2ndK Suzuki singled to center, C Jackson scored, K Suzuki to third on throwing error by catcher Y Molina.42
5thM Holliday singled to left center, B Ryan scored, S Schumaker to second.43
5thA Pujols singled to center, S Schumaker scored, M Holliday to second.44
7thS Schumaker hit a ground rule double to right, B Ryan scored.45
7thR Ludwick singled to right, S Schumaker scored, A Pujols to second.46
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