Scoring Summary


3rdGonzalez doubled to right center, Ramírez scored.01
4thCarpenter hit sacrifice fly to left, Reyes scored, H. Castro to second, Báez to third.11
4thHaase reached on infield single to second, Báez scored, H. Castro to third.21
5thReyes singled to left, Baddoo scored.31
6thW. Castro homered to right (395 feet).41
6thGiménez scored, Straw to second on passed ball by Haase.42
8thKwan hit a ground rule double to right, Benson scored, Straw to third.43
8thRosario reached on infield single to third, Straw scored, Kwan to third.44
8thRamírez doubled to shallow left, Kwan scored and Rosario scored.46
8thGonzalez doubled to deep left, Ramírez scored.47
8thMiller singled to center, Gonzalez scored, Miller to second, Naylor to third.48
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