- CardinalsTop 1st
- T. Cahill pitching for ARISTLARI
Pitch Type MPH 1BallSinker 90 2Strike LookingSinker 90 3Ground OutSinker 90
- DiamondbacksBottom 1st
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 2nd
- T. Cahill pitching for ARISTLARI
- M Adams to second on wild pitch by T Cahill.02
- DiamondbacksBottom 2nd
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 3rd
- T. Cahill pitching for ARISTLARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 3rd
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 4th
- T. Cahill pitching for ARISTLARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 4th
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 5th
- T. Cahill pitching for ARISTLARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 5th
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 6th
- T. Cahill pitching for ARISTLARI
- W. Harris pitching for ARISTLARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 6th
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- R. Choate pitching for STLSTLARI
- S. Maness pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 7th
- O. Perez pitching for ARISTLARI
- P Bourjos hit for S Maness.42
- K Wong safe at third, P Bourjos safe at second on throwing error by catcher M Montero.42
- G Garcia ran for M Holliday.62
- M. Stites pitching for ARISTLARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 7th
- S. Freeman pitching for STLSTLARI
- J Jay in left field.62
- P Bourjos in center field.62
- C Pennington hit for M Stites.62
- C. MartÃnez pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 8th
- C. MartÃnez pitching for ARISTLARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 8th
- P. Neshek pitching for STLSTLARI
- J Pacheco hit for E De La Rosa.65
- CardinalsTop 9th
- A. Reed pitching for ARISTLARI
- O Taveras hit for P Neshek.66
- DiamondbacksBottom 9th
- M. Gonzales pitching for STLSTLARI
- C Ross hit for D Peralta.66
- B Jackson ran for C Ross.66
- J Lamb safe at first on throwing error by third baseman M Carpenter, B Jackson to second.66
- CardinalsTop 10th
- E. Marshall pitching for ARISTLARI
- B Jackson in right field.66
- D Descalso ran for M Adams.66
- DiamondbacksBottom 10th
- T. Rosenthal pitching for STLSTLARI
- D Descalso at first base.76
- T Gosewisch hit for E Marshall.76
STL wins 2-1
Game Information
Chase Field
2:40 AM, 27 September 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
Attendance: 41,963
Game Time:3:45
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - Jerry Meals
- First Base Umpire - Bob Davidson
- Second Base Umpire - Jordan Baker
- Third Base Umpire - Hal Gibson III