- CardinalsTop 1st
- R. De La Rosa pitching for ARISTLARI
Pitch Type MPH 1Strike LookingFastball 94 2BallFastball 96 3BallFastball 94 4Foul BallFastball 92 5Foul BallFastball 96 6Strike Swinging
- DiamondbacksBottom 1st
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 2nd
- R. De La Rosa pitching for ARISTLARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 2nd
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 3rd
- R. De La Rosa pitching for ARISTLARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 3rd
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 4th
- R. De La Rosa pitching for ARISTLARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 4th
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 5th
- R. De La Rosa pitching for ARISTLARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 5th
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 6th
- R. De La Rosa pitching for ARISTLARI
- DiamondbacksBottom 6th
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- CardinalsTop 7th
- R. De La Rosa pitching for ARISTLARI
- Gyorko safe at first on error by shortstop Ahmed.03
- DiamondbacksBottom 7th
- M. Wacha pitching for STLSTLARI
- Owings stole second.03
- Tomás hit for De La Rosa.03
- Owings to third, Ahmed to second on wild pitch by Wacha.03
- CardinalsTop 8th
- D. Hudson pitching for ARISTLARI
- Wong hit for Wacha.03
- DiamondbacksBottom 8th
- K. Siegrist pitching for STLSTLARI
- Segura stole third.03
- CardinalsTop 9th
- B. Ziegler pitching for ARISTLARI
Series tied 2-2
Game Information
Chase Field
2:40 AM, 29 April 2016
Phoenix, Arizona
Attendance: 18,933
Game Time:2:25
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - Tony Randazzo
- First Base Umpire - Dan Bellino
- Second Base Umpire - Adam Hamari
- Third Base Umpire - Tom Hallion